Tag Archives: Real Simple

A New Purpose

It’s no secret that Real Simple is one of my favorite magazines. The photographs are always so tastefully shot, and the layout really is so simple. I’m one of those people who has trouble accessing information when the hierarchy isn’t layed out perfectly clear, so this magazine had me from the get go.

The features are always pertinent, offering information on money-saving bits and pieces that really add up over time (no joke!), as well as quick delicious recipes for busy week night meals that only require a few ingredients. I recently subscribed to the email feed, and though I’m only partially regretting it (hello, slew of tips and quips in my inbox), it brought me back to a feature they add to each month.

I’ll completely admit to having read all of the tips in past issues and not trying a single one. Time to get busy implementing more resourceful ways to use the things around my apartment.

The New Uses For Old Things Hall Of Fame has the vast collection, but here are some of my favorites:

How about using vegetable oil to polish leather shoes?

Using a colander to hold ice at a party or gathering to make sure guests have direct access to ice and don’t have to fish around for it.

Using a magnet inside a medicine cabinet to hold tweezers or nail clippers? Awesome! I am always fumbling around for those things.

Shower curtain hooks used to store purses and other heavy things in a closet: this would be a great idea, were there infinite space in my closet. A gal can wish, right?

Using easter eggs year round to tote crackers and other snacks? Saves plastic bags, first of all. Probably a great way to keep portions correct, crackers from crumbling, and how much fun would it be to find yourself the only person at work eating their lunch from giant colorful eggs? Neato.

Using an empty wine crate box as a shoe organizer? This one is definitely happening. If only you could see the bottom of my closet…But it’s probably better that you didn’t.

An eyeglass case used to port beauty items could be especially handy when traveling, as I often bring a couple of pieces of jewelry that would break my heart were they smashed in my luggage.

Using rubber bands on hangers to keep slippery garments (camisoles, sun dresses, and generally hard to keep hung things) where you put them.